Jenna Irwin
  • finance
  • Class of 2017
  • Cygnet, OH

Jenna Irwin Participates in Service and Culture Experience

2014 Apr 3

Jenna Irwin, a finance major from Cygnet, represented The University of Findlay during a service and culture trip to the Dominican Republic.

In March, 10 students and three staff members arrived in Barahona, Dominican Republic, as part of an Oiler Serving Abroad (OSA) trip.

OSA is a student-led initiative, started by four students in the fall of 2012. They had a vision to create opportunities for students from diverse academic disciplines to serve others while gaining cross-cultural experience.

The inaugural group of OSA students - from a variety of majors - completed projects together in a new culture. The group stayed in a guest house at an orphanage, and projects included painting a basketball court and a mural, and helping to build a structure in a community near Barahona.

When the group was working at the orphanage, the 21 boys who lived there were eager to help. Many of them worked alongside the UF group at their facility. They even accompanied the group to the beach for a day of fun activity.

In addition to spending time at the orphanage, the group also had the opportunity to get to know students at a local private university, slightly smaller than The University of Findlay. UF students attended their Ash Wednesday service, toured the school, played a game of basketball and were invited to dinner and dancing. The university also arranged tours of two local hospitals, which was especially beneficial to the health professions majors who were there.

The rector of the university in the Dominican Republic already has visited Findlay and established a Memorandum of Understanding to promote further exchanges between the institutions.

Student leaders help to plan and organize each OSA service and culture experience, in partnership with the offices of Campus Compact, intercultural student services and international education.

Faculty, staff and students interested in applying to go on an OSA trip should contact Dallas Smith at smithd4@findlay.edu.